Saturday, May 27, 2006

the hallway of my dorm tends to take on a variety of pungent odors depending on the day. in the past it's smelled like b.o., dirty feet, pee, and barf. today it smells like fart.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

well, last class came and went. now i just have to turn in the final draft for my proposal. i think one of my discussion leaders got bored reading my 2nd draft. he filled in some of my letters with red ink...example on right:
i wanted to unwind a little by watching some marmalade boy, but i fell asleep while watching it and woke up with a crick in my neck and a drool stain on my shirt.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

i got a monthly subway pass today and it feels soooooooooooo liberating to not have to make sure i always have at least 2 tokens with me.
in other subway news... there's this smoothie stand in the t-station and since everything's made from fresh fruits, i thought i'd try one. not only did the smoothie suck (perhaps it was just what i chose, or perhaps it was the peach that ruined it cuz that peach didn't look too happy cuz the girl behind me couldn't stop talking about the one she had last time), the guy is seriously psychotic. he gives you this really intense look like he's shooting laser beams into your head, and when he was about to toss the papaya into the blender, he held it out to me, flourished his hand over it and was all "look at this, full of anti-oxidants" and waited for a response. that's great and all, but really, what do you say to that... i wasn't sure what to say, so i just said "uh, great." i think he was disappointed with my lack of enthusiasm...