Friday, December 17, 2004

dreams really suck

and by "dreams" i don't mean the kind you consciously think up and plan on fulfilling, as in "i have a dream." i mean the kind you have when you're sleeping. well, _my_ dreams suck anyway. for some reason, i never have happy dreams with fluffy clouds and chocolate streams; the only dreams i have are on the nightmarish side. luckily i don't dream often.

last night i had this dream that i'm staying late in the building where i work because i was stressed out about studying for an exam. i was next to the water fountain and this scary grizzled old man came up and made me give him my wallet. i'm not sure what exactly happened next but i remember i was panicking because nobody will know where he takes me. needless to say, i don't think i'd be too good at the "thinking clearly" should i ever be in such a sitch in real life.

and last week i had a dream that i was in a government compound in another country and while everyone was really nice, they were going to hang me. and not hang to die, but hang and keep alive. i'm not quite sure how it is done but i saw this one person hanging in the semi-dark, swinging from the noose like a regular lynching. it's not that they keep the people alive by taking care of them; it's that the people just don't die for some reason. it was freaky. at one point i remember i was quite adamant on brushing my teeth because i won't be able to while i was hanging for months and months.

ergo, i hate dreams.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

am i lame? hell yeah!

wow. it's nice to be able to post again. i can't believe i actually forgot my username. that was lame...

so i finish applying to all the schools whose apps are due in december. now my only problem is one of my recommenders isn't sending in his letter and i can't seem to get in touch with him. this'll mark the earliest i've requested a letter, all for a no-show. see what i get for thinking ahead? procrastination is good! (really, it is. people take pity on you cuz you're all stressed out. whereas if you do everything with plenty of time to spare and act all breezy they just don't take you seriously.)

Friday, October 29, 2004

pre-halloween phun

i think today is an extension of a very bad yesterday, when i worked through the previous night, went home at 9am, took a shower, fell asleep in my bathrobe, and woke up freezing cold cuz this weather just plain sucks. after i dragged my ass to the grocery store due to lack of food in fridge, i was so out of it i tripped over what turned out to be absolutely _nothing_ and skinned my ankle and bruised my knee. (i think the last time i fell and skinned myself was in 7th grade when i tripped over julie yoshioka in mr. dugan's pe class.) then my bathroom flooded and i had to clean it up. the only good part was that i was finally able to put my subscription of the wall st. journal to some use. since i didn't come back to work after i went home in the morning yesterday, i actually got enough sleep last night. so why is it i woke up with a headache? i hate this; this is driving me insane and i can't get anything done.
halloween party across the hall is great though. people have spectacular costume ideas. and now the entire floor of our building reeks of beer.
tomorrow i get to carve a pumpkin. yay! i have to find a good picture of a buff dude first though.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

i think my white shirt is cursed

73.92% +/- 0.01% of the time i wear this white shirt i spill food/drink on myself. this time it was hot cocoa and, unfortunately, my sweater got in the way. hot cocoa is apparently very persistent though. it still managed to stain my shirt, and i think, to make up for the parts it wasn't able to stain due to the poor sweater, it also went on my jeans. that just really does not look good. thank god it's night and there's no one here to see. i really ought to stop wearing this white shirt unless i want my wardrobe to reflect that of a panhandler. poor me, you say? yeah, i think so too.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

our building manager

yeah, it's great that we had all our locks updated to those spiffy numeric keypad ones. but really, couldn't you at least tell us the new code to the vending machine room? how'm i supposed to eat the overpriced junk in there if you don't tell me the code? tell me the code! please...